29 July, 2024
Council awards 22 grants
Yarriambiack Shire Council has announced the recipients of the latest round of SHARE grants, providing funds for the projects and events of local non-profit organisations, clubs, and small businesses that will positively contribute to the community and strengthen their development.

Yarriambiack Shire Council has announced the recipients of the latest round of SHARE grants, providing funds for the projects and events of local non-profit organisations, clubs, and small businesses that will positively contribute to the community and strengthen their development.
Council's full allocation of $60,000 was awarded to the 22 successful applicants, from the 37 applications received and considered.
Not-for-profit community groups were welcome to apply for a grant to fund community events, or community works, while small businesses could receive funds for business works.
Warracknabeal Neighbourhood House and Learning Centre manager Karen Fuller is one of the applicants celebrating, with a $2,584 grant to go towards upgrades to the childcare centre outdoor play area.
Ms Fuller said the upgrades would include improvements to the sandpit and paving, and help cover other basic yard maintenance needs.
"It's all about making things safer for the children, and getting it back up to standard," Ms Fuller said.
"This grant supports us doing that, which is great."
Warracknabeal Amateur Basketball Association Inc have also received a grant - $2,930, allowing them to install a Life Member board and a memorabilia cabinet.
Secretary Sarah-Jayne Holland said the association was very excited.
"This is the third time we have applied for the SHARE grant for this particular project, and we are grateful for this opportunity," she said.
Ms Holland said they have a lot of valuable memorabilia, including tournament trophies, which is currently collecting dust in storage instead of being proudly displayed, because they don't have anywhere to put them.
"History is just as important to our current players," she said.
"This grant will take some of the pressure for fundraising off the committee."
The Beulah General Store has received the largest share of the grant - $10,000 towards the redevelopment of the Beulah Hub. (More on this coming soon!)
$1500 has been awarded to each of the committees of Murtoa Big Weekend, Patchewollock Music Festival, Minyip Show and Shine, Murtoa A & P Show, Woomelang & District Bush Nursing Centre, and Murtoa Events’ New Years Eve by the Lake to support their upcoming events.
Murtoa Angling Club will have an additional $1370 to put towards their annual family fishing day.
Murtoa Lions Club ($1975), Hopetoun Patchwork Group ($2925), and Rupanyup Golf Club ($360) have all been successful in acquiring funds for the purchase or maintenance of Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs)
Minyip Recreation Reserve will see $4500 go towards their junior goal posts project, and Minyip Golf Club $500 for their Memorial Golf Day event.
Warracknabeal Tourist Information Centre will receive $1500 for the installation of more tourist information boards, and Patchewollock Incorporated $2500 for historic signage at the old school sites.
Murtoa Stick Shed will see a contribution of $4538 for their landscaping and access project; Murtoa Swimming Pool, $9684 for improvements to the shade area; Woomelang and District Historical Society, $2634 for a much-needed switchboard upgrade; and The General Store Warracknabeal, $2000 for a project which will see the business able to provide street dining.
Beulah Historic Learning and Progress Association will receive $1000 to support organising the Seymour Railway Heritage Centre (SRHC) train’s visit later in the year.