

30 May, 2022

Discontent at state of roads

YARRIAMBIACK Shire Council held their monthly meeting on May 25 where concerns were raised about road conditions and quality in the region.

By Lilly Martin

PRESSURE: Yarriambiack Shire Council will continue to pressure Vic Roads about the state of Warracknabeal residential roads.
PRESSURE: Yarriambiack Shire Council will continue to pressure Vic Roads about the state of Warracknabeal residential roads.

YARRIAMBIACK Shire Council held their monthly meeting on May 25 where concerns were raised about road conditions and quality in the region.

"The north side of Lyle street from the Dimboola Bridge, up to Warunda Avenue, the shoulder is disgraceful," Councillor Graeme Massey said during the meeting.

"Vic Roads have done no work on it."

Shoulders- also known as breakdown lane- are used as an emergency stopping lane for vehicles and to protect pavement edges from traffic damage.

The shoulder in question affects the Warracknabeal Caravan Park, the Warrack Motel and residents of the town.

"The distance between the seal and the gravel is getting quite large," Councillor Massey said.

"Because it is within the town boundary it is not a very good sight for people coming into the town from the west."

Councillor Massey was unable to confirm whether Warracknabeal residents have lodged formal complaints about the issue.

Mayor Kylie Zanker confirmed that the council has previously raised concerns about the shoulder in Regional Road Victoria meetings and consider it an urgent matter.

"We can certainly raise it again (though) in our next meeting," Mayor Zanker said.


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