
General News

18 December, 2023

Don't feel hungry for company

If you're craving company on Christmas Day, Horsham Uniting Church has an offer too good to refuse.

By Faye Smith

Mandy Kirsopp (kneeling), Sally Mewett and the Rev Frank Tuppin.
Mandy Kirsopp (kneeling), Sally Mewett and the Rev Frank Tuppin.

If you're craving company on Christmas Day, Horsham Uniting Church has an offer too good to refuse.

Mandy Kirsopp and her band of helpers are inviting people who will be alone to share lunch with them and dozens of others.

Ms Kirsopp is again organising a community Christmas lunch at the church hall. This will be the 16th event.

"Christmas is a time of friendship, joy and goodwill," Ms Kirsopp said.

"But unfortunately for many people, Christmas can also be a lonely time for many reasons."

The invitation is for single people, couples who are separated from family, single parents without family support - or anyone seeking company and fellowship on Christmas Day.

She said the lunch, provided with generous support from Horsham Uniting Church and the wider community, was an opportunity for people who might otherwise be home alone or feeling isolated.

"This lunch allows them to be with others in a safe and friendly environment to share lunch and laughter," she said.

Please register at the church office by calling 5382 4380, or call Ms Kirsopp on 0408 826 727. A $5 donation would be appreciated.

Doors open from 11.30am with the meal served at 12 noon. Transport can be arranged if needed.


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