
General News

6 March, 2024

Foodworks' fire a close call

Warracknabeal’s main street stores were relieved that a small fire was extingushed before last Wednesday’s high winds could whip it into an inferno.

By Samantha Smith

Thankfully, the small fire behind Warracknabeal Foodworks was quickly extinguished before it could spread. PHOTO Alison Ey
Thankfully, the small fire behind Warracknabeal Foodworks was quickly extinguished before it could spread. PHOTO Alison Ey

Warracknabeal’s main street stores were relieved that a small fire was extingushed before last Wednesday’s high winds could whip it into an inferno.

Emergency services were alerted to a fire at the Foodworks loading dock and storage shed, near the corner of Scott Street and Woolcock Road, just after 4pm last Wednesday.

CFA responded at around 4:09pm, with Victoria Police close behind.

A CFA spokesperson said the fire was deemed under control at 4:13pm, and declared safe at 4:15pm.

Warracknabeal’s Senior Constable Lauren Cole said there was no damage to the structure, and only a small amount of stock was lost, mostly soft drinks.

They are not treating the fire as suspicious.

The majority of the state was under total fire ban last Wednesday, while the Wimmera also declared their second ever catastrophic fire risk day.

Both catastrophic fire risk days have occured in the last month on days of high temperatures and high winds.

The abundance of fuel due to higher rainfall in the past two years is also being blamed for the increased risk.


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