

17 September, 2024

Fulton shellshocked at award

Kalkee goal-shooter Lisa Fulton was shellshocked that she was awarded best on the court in Kalkee's B-grade premiership.

By Chris Graetz

Fulton with the shield and her best on the court medal. PHOTO: CHRIS GRAETZ
Fulton with the shield and her best on the court medal. PHOTO: CHRIS GRAETZ

If you followed her this season, it wouldn't come as a surprise that she shot 509 goals in 19 games, was a pivotal player for the Kees in 2024, and shot 26 goals in the grand final.

"It feels surreal. I would never have thought I would get best on the court in the grand final. I am shellshocked," Fulton said.

"In a team of talented players, you can't get in the position we did without an awesome team. They are amazing; they are a great bunch of girls."

"I have lost many grand finals and now have won four in a row, so it's a pretty good feeling."

"The girls are just another family,

and it's so special to be able to celebrate with them. The hard work has paid off."


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