
General News

25 February, 2024

New neighbour in the House

Neighbourhood House Rainbow’s new manager Asher Ludwig is eager to get to know locals and ensure that the services offered are what the community wants and needs.

By Samantha Smith

Neighbourhood House Rainbow manager Asher Ludwig.
Neighbourhood House Rainbow manager Asher Ludwig.

“I’m hoping to build those connections to make sure we are really servicing the community here in Rainbow,” Mr Ludwig said.

“We run groups at the House - like book club and craft sessions - there are a number of services, and we are trying to get a community garden going.”

Mr Ludwig said his family moved around a lot before they settled in Sydney, and that after obtaining his licence in nursing when he was 19, he spent four years travelling even more.

“I moved around a bit with that, living in Coffs Harbour and then the Gold Coast,” he said.

“We moved to Dimboola in March 2023, for my partner Sasha’s grandparents, and I got a job in IT.”

Mr Ludwig applied for the position at Neighbourhood House after gaining a greater insight into what the organisation does.

“I found it incredible - what they do, the programs they run and how they assist the community,” he said.

“I thought it would be an awesome sector to work in and a way that I could contribute to the community.”

And it’s a community that Mr Ludwig said has been accepting and welcoming.

“The community has been absolutely amazing,” he said.

“They have been so welcoming, and it has been great to chat to and get to know people.

“It is such a nice place to live and work because of how great the community is.”

Mr Ludwig wanted to thank previous manager Alison Ey, who led the service for many years.

“I do want to thank Alison for all the work she did with the House and all the programs she got running,” he said.

“I look forward to taking them on.”


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