General News
28 January, 2024
U3A expo is top community event
Horsham's University of the Third Age group has received Horsham Rural City Council's award for Community Event of the Year.

Horsham's University of the Third Age group has received Horsham Rural City Council's award for Community Event of the Year.
The group organised the second Horsham and District Community Groups Expo which attracted about 300 people to Horsham Town Hall.
Mayor Robyn Gulline was due to present the award to U3A president June Liddy at the city's Australia Day event this morning in Sawyer Park after a barbecue breakfast.
In October more than 50 sporting, service and community groups showcased their activities in Horsham Town Hall.
A caravanning group, music groups, men's shed members, gardening clubs, service clubs and health and wellbeing groups were among exhibitors.
Most were aimed at the 50-plus age group.
Entertainment during the day included the Silver Strings ukulele group, a gentle-exercises-for-seniors demonstration and music by Horsham Pipe Band members.
U3A Horsham secretary Joyce Lane said the group was considering holding another event next year and would call a meeting to seek volunteers interested in helping to run it.
U3A is an international organisation for people in the third phase of life - "the active retirement" phase - and draws on the skills of retired or semi-retired people to lead classes.
Tutors share their knowledge, skills and interests in a friendly environment.
Horsham U3A has about 200 members who participate in any of 35 classes.
Classes do not have assessments and people can join without any prior knowledge in subjects which range from writing-for-fun, gardening, languages, computers, art and drawing to reading for pleasure.
Most groups meet at Horsham's former railway station in Railway Avenue. Annual membership is $40.
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