17 December, 2024
Volleyball Horsham face tournament threat
Volleyball Horsham is in a “David versus Goliath” battle with Volleyball Australia (VA) and the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) over the staging of the 30th anniversary of the Horsham Tournament in 2025.

The battle comes with the timing of the tournament, which has been held in the middle of November since its inception and happens to coincide with the World Beach Volleyball Championships, which will be held in the Southern Hemisphere for the first time in its history next year, running from November 13-23 in Adelaide.
Drawing inspiration from Paris 2024 where the beach volleyball was played in the shadows of the Eiffel Tower, the World Beach Championships will be played under the backdrop of the Adelaide city centre with courts set up at Memorial Drive behind the iconic Adelaide Oval.
Volleyball Australia has invested significantly in the event and is doing everything in its power to ensure its investment is protected, placing a quarantine period of volleyball activity around the two weeks of the championships, both within Adelaide itself and surrounding neighboring states, to ensure volleyball enthusiasts place the event at the top of the list.
Volleyball Horsham’s head of men’s volleyball Tyler Snowden says Volleyball Victoria has already bowed to pressure from the National body, changing the dates and format of the Volleyball Victoria Junior Open tournament.
“The Junior event will now run from November 11-13, while the Senior event will now run from November 25-27.”
“Our tournament sits smack bang in the middle of the World’s with dates already locked in for November 14,15 and 16.”
“Given the amount of work Volleyball Horsham has put into our event, especially in the post-Covid period, we are extremely reluctant to change our dates, in what is already a packed calendar of events at that time of year.”
Volleyball Horsham will look to Volleyball Victoria for support should there be an escalation of the issue, with the issue no doubt sitting atop the agenda throughout meetings in 2025.
At its most recent meeting, the association decided that the tournament will now be promoted as an “Invitation Tournament” going forward to ensure numbers don’t get out of control, as has been the case in recent years.
Leading female player Kara Johnson says the move will keep numbers at around that 46-50 mark, keeping it within manageable limits due to the lack of court space available.
“We found this year that by closing entries early and keeping it to the eight courts available in Horsham it was more manageable, especially from a volunteer perspective.”
“We’ll look to invite clubs and associations that have traditionally supported us, and give them first option to participate, with any new entries going onto a waiting list.”
“We have had some new teams over the past two years especially, fail to adhere to the playing conditions and spirit in which we hold our tournament in, to the detriment of the event, and those teams will not be invited back, but should they want to participate, will have to wait for an opening in the draw to do so.”
Registrations are now being taken for the 2025 Summer Season, which is scheduled to commence in the final week of February.
Volleyball Horsham vice president Matt McLoughlin said the early call to gain interest has come about due to the ever expanding numbers wanting to play, which reached an all time high in the season just finished.
“We had to move to a third night of competition to cater for the numbers last season, and we felt it necessary to get early indications in case we had to do the same again.”
“At this stage Juniors, B and C grades will run on Monday evenings, A Reserve on Tuesdays and women’s A and B and the flagship A grade competition on Wednesdays next season.”
“We know that we were at capacity last season, and by getting team registrations in earlier, if we have to make hard decisions we can do so in a more timely manner.”
“We will still give schools time to gain interest from their students, as we always do, but what we are doing is calling on those teams that played last season plenty of time to register, should they wish to continue getting their weekly fix of volleyball.”
“Of course, we would love to hear from any new teams that might like to give volleyball a try, as we have a grade of competition that suits all.”
Those interested in registering should visit the Volleyball Horsham website at www.volleyballhorsham.com.au and register their interest.
On behalf of everyone involved with Volleyball Horsham we would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year, and we thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you all again in 2025.