5 November, 2024
Warrack stay on top with huge win
Round five of Dimboola and District Tennis Association commenced on Friday, November 1, with Jeparit travelling to Hopetoun.

Things are starting to heat up with harvest approaching, and teams are looking to get the most points before players are busy on farms. Early wins go a long way toward determining the position teams finish at the end of the season.
In the mixed, Hopetoun started the better, playing some good tennis, winning 4 sets, 45 games to Jeparit's 2 sets, 34 games.
In the men's match, however, it was a very close contest. Jeparit put up some fierce competition but was defeated narrowly, 3 sets 44 games to 3 sets 41 games.
In the women, Hopetoun dominated to finish the contest, having a good win, 5 sets 52 games to 1 set 25 games.
On the night, we had a few players who were 3 set winners, so congratulations to all who achieved this.
The overall score was Hopetoun 5 match points, 12 sets, 141 games to Jeparit, 0 match points, 6 sets, 100 games.
The other Friday night game pitted Dimboola, which was looking to make it two wins on the trot, against Arkona, which was trying to win its first game of the season.
In the mixed, Dimboola won all the sets on the night, winning 6 sets, 54 games, to Arkona's 0 sets, 22 games.
It was a closer tussle in the men but still a win for Dimboola 4 sets, 49 games to 2 sets, 26 games.
The women, however, was a massive win for Dimboola, claiming all the sets and capping off a big night winning 6 sets, 54 games to 0 sets, 18 games.
The overall score was Dimboola 5 match points,16 sets, 167 games to Arkona 0 match points, 2 sets, 66 games.
On Saturday, we had Antwerp travel to play Warrack. The two teams are first and second on the ladder, with only points and percentages separating them, so either team would be looking to gain the upper hand leading into the harvest break.
In the mixed, Warrack won convincingly in 5 sets, 51 games to 1 set, 33 games, and gained a big break on the day.
The men's match was dominated by Warrack, who had a good win and played some outstanding tennis to win in 4 sets, 46 games, to 2 sets, 36 games.
The women also saw a good win for Warrack, who played some great tennis to win 4 sets, 50 games, to Antwerp's 2 sets, 40 games.
The overall score was Warrack 5 match points, 13 sets, 147 games to Antwerp 0 match points, 5 sets, 109 games.
Also, on Saturday, Brim travelled to Rainbow. These two sides are on a knife's edge as to who makes the top four at this early stage, so a win here will give them the upper hand.
In the mixed, Brim was off to a good start, gaining the advantage, winning with 3 sets, 35 games to 1 set, 15 games.
The Brim Men dominated to win easily 4 sets, 36 games to 0 sets 4 games.
However the Rainbow ladies were able to strike back and have a good win, easily accounting for Brim 3 sets, 30 games to 1 set, 20 games.
The overall score was Brim 4 match points, 8 sets, 91 games to Rainbow 1 match point, 4 sets, 49 games.
LADDER: 1. Warrack 22 - 140.05%; 2. Hopetoun 21 - 132.42%; 3. Antwerp 16 - 146.46%; 4. Brim 15 - 126.67%; 5. Rainbow 13 - 87.28%; 6. Dimboola 11 - 116.12%; 7. Jeparit 1 - 64.39%; 8. Arkona 1 - 48.03%
Antwerp v Warracknabeal
MIXED: Tim Jorgensen, Abby Greig lost to Harry Allen, Lauren Kellett 3-9; Don Clark, Heather Jorgensen lost to Dan McKenzie, Rikki Nitschke 4-9; Shane Bond, Alicia Albrecht def Chris Kellett, Jan Greenwood 9-6; Simon Albrecht, Chloe Lehmann lost to Ross Laycock, Macie Nitschke 8-9; Tahlia Avery, Ant Toet lost to Karter Nitschke, Lynley Clyne 2-9; Ash Avery, Sienna Avery lost to Campbell Mansfield, Lauren Clyne 7-9.
MEN: T. Jorgensen, S. Bond lost to H. Allen, C. Kellett 5-9; T. Avery, S. Albrecht lost to K. Nitschke, R. Laycock 5-9; T. Jorgensen, D. Clark lost to H. Allen, D. McKenzie 3-9; T. Avery, A. Avery def K. Nitschke, C. Mansfield 9-4; D. Clark, S. Bond def D. McKenzie, C. Kellett 9-6; S. Albrecht, A. Avery lost to R. Laycock, C. Mansfield 5-9.
WOMEN: A. Greig, H. Jorgensen def L. Kellett, J. Greenwood 9-7; C. Lehmann, A. Toet lost to M. Nitschke, L. Clyne 8-9; A. Greig, A. Albrecht def L. Kellett, R. Nitschke 9-7; C. Lehmann, S. Avery lost to M. Nitschke, L. Clyne 4-9; A. Albrecht, H. Jorgensen lost to R. Nitschke, J. Greenwood 8-9; A. Toet, S. Avery lost to L. Clyne, L. Clyne 2-9.
Hopetoun v Jeparit
MIXED: Jacob Holm, Remy George def Jarryd Newcombe, Ebony Spokes 9-2; Taylor Donnan, Amanda Walker def Rory O'Halloran, Connie Rule 9-4; Timothy McCormick, Jonti George def Jason Hutson, Josh Schultz 9-3; Spencer Williams, Amanda Marshman lost to Liam Preston, Marcel Badua 7-9; Kybe Bellinger, Kenzie Nally def Max McKenzie, Lucy Robinson 9-7; Lawson Hallam, Shelby Donnan lost to Jake Smith, Liam Campbell 2-9.
MEN: J. Holm, S. Williams def J. Newcombe, J. Hutson 9-6; T. McCormick, K. Bellinger lost to L. Preston, M. McKenzie 6-9; J. Holm, T. Donnan def J. Newcombe, R. O'Halloran 9-4; T. McCormick, L. Hallam lost to L. Preston, J. Smith 3-9; T. Donnan, S. Williams def R. O'Halloran, J. Hutson 9-4; K. Bellinger, L. Hallam lost to M. McKenzie, J. Smith 8-9.
WOMEN: R. George, A. Walker def E. Spokes, J. Schultz 9-5; A. Marshman, S. Donnan def M. Badua, L. Robinson 9-3; R. George, J. George def E. Spokes, C. Rule 9-1; A. Marshman, K. Nally lost to M. Badua, L. Campbell 7-9; J. George, A. Walker def C. Rule, J. Schultz 9-3; S. Donnan, K. Nally def L. Robinson, L. Campbell 9-4.
Rainbow v Brim
MIXED: Matthew Thomas, Rowie Keller def Seth Keam, Casey Quick 9-8; Lewis Cocks, Rylee Cocks lost to Lachie Stewart, Kylie O'Connor 1-9; Nathan Cocks, Jordi Cocks lost to Hugh Keam, Erin Slatter 4-9; Aiden Gelligen, Kane Bastin lost to Levi Keam, Elysia Preston 1-9.
MEN: M. Thomas, N. Cocks lost to L. Stewart, H. Keam 2-9; L. Cocks, A. Gelligen lost to S. Keam, L. Keam 1-9; M. Thomas, L. Cocks lost to L. Stewart, S. Keam 0-9; N. Cocks, A. Gelligen lost to H. Keam, L. Keam 1-9.
WOMEN: R. Keller, J. Cocks def C. Quick, E.Preston 9-6; R. Cocks, K. Bastin lost to K. O'Connor, E. Slatter 3-9; R. Keller, R. Cocks def C. Quick, K. O'Connor 9-3; J. Cocks, K. Bastin def E. Preston, E. Slatter 9-2.
Dimboola v Arkona
MIXED: Ash Clugston, Isy Clugston def Evan Hunter, Louise Simpson 9-5; Jesse Day, Jennie Hauselberger def Jonty Hunter, Rachael Boschen 9-2; Lenny Eldridge, Breanna Eldridge def Jack Boschen, Lorna Schilling 9-4; Will Schilling, Billie Barber def Luke Hinter, Ruby Simpson 9-4; Rob Barry, Lyla Barry def Woody Conboy, Evie Simpson 9-4; Jack Wood, Melissa Howard def Tonnis Wolthuis, Trish Polack 9-3.
MEN: A. Clugston, L. Eldridge def E. Hunter, J. Boschen 9-0; W. Schilling, R. Barry lost to W. Conboy, L. Hunter 8-9; A. Clugston, J. Day def E. Hunter, J. Hunter 9-1; W. Schilling, J. Wood def W. Conboy, T. Wolthuis 9-3; J. Day, L. Eldridge def J. Hunter, J. Boschen 9-4; R. Barry, J. Wood lost to L. Hunter, T. Wolthuis 5-9.
WOMEN: B. Eldridge, I. Clugston def L. Simpson, L. Schilling 9-2; B. Barber, L. Barry def R. Simpson, E. Simpson 9-3; B. Eldridge, J. Hauselberger def L. Simpson, R. Boschen 9-2; B. Barber, M. Howard def R. Simpson, T. Polack 9-0; J. Hauselberger, I. Clugston def R. Boschen, L. Schilling 9-6; L. Barry, M. Howard def E. Simpson, T. Polack 9-5.